Vote by absentee ballot
If you have not yet mailed in your absentee ballot by November 1st, you should NOT mail it. You should drop it off at your town’s drop box. If it is not received by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, it will not be counted. If you would like to vote in person instead, just go to your polling place.
For Barkhamsted voting questions, call (860) 738-4695
For Granby voting questions, call (860) (860) 844-5322
For Hartland voting questions, call (860) 860-653-0295/860-413-3472
For New Hartford voting questions, call (860) 738-9721.
All absentee ballots were mailed on October 7th. If you did not receive yours or you registered to vote absentee after 10/7, you can access the application on the Secretary of the State's website here. If you have not received your ballot after an appropriate time for mailing, please call the applicable number above.
You can always find information about voting in CT at myvote.ct.gov.